Adelaide - City of Small Gods
We have an established Terry Pratchett & Discworld fan group in Adelaide called The City of Small Gods, which is open to anyone who would like to come - you don't have to live in Adelaide or even South Australia, or even be a Discworld fan, but that's mostly where our events will be held, and we do like discussing Pratchett's works.
Get Involved!
To keep up on exactly what's happening and when, or to take part in some online discussion, please join:
- Our Facebook group or
- Our Google Group (Email-based discussion mailing list) or
- Our Discord Server or
- Email us via enquiries AT
The details and times of our regular - and occasional - events are shared via all the above mentioned groups.
Monthly dinner
Our monthly dinners are generally held on the last Thursday of the month at a pub or restaurant in Adelaide - currently The Brickmaker's Arms. We have dinner at 6.30pm (although people are often early).
Monthly Crafty Evenings (Online)
After a successful run of online events during 2020, we are also holding a monthly "Crafty Evening" on Discord on the first Wednesday of the month. Stay at home but join us for voice/video chat and be as crafty as you like - you can sew, crochet, cross-stitch, paint, make LEGO, 3D-print, colour in, build a model kit, or simply just chat.
Book Discussions
Every few months we hold a book discussion on one of Terry's novels - chatting about the themes, plot, characters, and favourite quotes of the book, plus a small craft activity for a bit of extra fun.
Other gatherings
In addition to the above, we will occasionally have other events, such as picnics, craft or costuming workshops, movie and play outings, or other fun social activities.
Quiz Long and Prosper
We've run our popular Science Fiction and Fantasy quiz night for many years - although not every year! Stay tuned for details on the next quiz.
Round World Events SA Inc.
Round World Events SA Inc is a not-for-profit incorporated association whose aim is to run fun social Pratchett-themed events for people in South Australia. We have run three Australian Discworld Conventions: Unseen University Convivium in 2012, Nullus Anxietas VI - The Discworld Grand Tour in 2017, and Nullus Anxietas 9 in 2024.
We have also run several successful and booked out Science Fiction and Fantasy themed quiz nights named Quiz Long And Prosper from 2013-2023 with only a few years missing.
The association will run most events under the City of Small Gods banner, but you do not have to be a Round World Events SA member to be part of City of Small Gods. However, we are always on the look out for new members for Round World Events SA to help us organise future events! Annual membership fees are fairly inexpensive, and being a member has the following benefits:
- A shiny membership certificate all of your very own
- Discounted entry price to some of the events we run
- A warm, fuzzy feeling deep down in your chest (no, not quite that deep)
For more information, or to join as a member, please email Round World Events SA Inc.