
Discworld conventions run on volunteers. All of the committee are volunteers, but we're only a small group and we will need additional help at the convention! You can be anywhere in the world to help out, but there are some jobs which will need Adelaide locals, and others which require you to attend the convention (of course!) Convention attending members are heartily encouraged to become part of the show by volunteering. The only requirement is enthusiasm. The ability to find chocolate at any given moment is just a bonus! There are many different ways you can offer your time and skills. You can specify exactly what you'd like to be involved with or particular times you'll be available, either way all help is greatly appreciated.

Right now we are looking for the following specific volunteers:

  • Photographers and videographers: If you like taking pictures, or can run a video camera to record our events, we want you to join the Press Corpse!
  • The Watch: We need several people to be our ‘security’ force – mostly just making sure queues are orderly, making sure everyone’s wearing their membership badge, and keeping an eye out for incidents.
  • Gophers: If you’re just happy to be an able body to ‘go for’ a coffee, or to spend an hour helping out in Ops, we still need general volunteers.
  • Tech and A/V: If you know how to fiddle with the levels on a sound board or change a microphone battery, please volunteer to help out managing the sound & lighting desk in our function rooms.

Convention volunteers are also (fondly) known as Gophers. There will be volunteer briefings during the convention where you can meet the Volunteer coordinator and learn what will be required and where you'll be asked to help, but we'll take all the pre-convention lock ins that we can. In the lead up to the convention, we will send out more information on the volunteer roles that we are trying to fill, probably through our regular newsletter. For some roles we will be sending out more detailed information before the convention starts.

Please note that volunteering does NOT get you a free ticket - you will still need to purchase an attending member ticket. But you will be entitled to a warm feeling from having contributed to the success of the convention.



Your city, state, country

Tells us the roles you are interested in, or what sort of thing you'd like to do in general.

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