
Viewing posts by HEX

Thank you for a wonderful convention!

Thank you for a wonderful convention!

Well, it's all over now! Thank you so much for joining us at Nullus Anxietas 9 - The Australian Discworld Convention.

We hope you had a great time - we certainly did!

We'd like to thank our guests, all our attendees, our hard-working committee, and, of course, Sir Terry Pratchett.

If you have any feedback - what was good, what was bad, what was ugly - then please email us on so we can make sure that the convention is even better next time around!

Speaking of...

Nullus Anxietas X - 2026 …

One Week to Go!


  • What to do when you arrive
  • Stay healthy!
  • Timetable of Events and Activities
  • Code of Conduct
  • The Market Square

Only one week until we head up the mountains to Uberwald! We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday 12th July at the Grand Chancellor Hotel on Hindley St in Adelaide.

This will be the last newsletter prior to the convention - keep an eye on the website for the latest updates, and follow us on Facebook or join our Facebook group to see what's happening on social media.

What to do when you arrive

If you're arriving …

Uberwald puts the FRIGHT in FoRtnIGHT!


  • Online Sales Close July 1st
  • Charity Auction Highlights
  • Show us your Props, Costumes and Talents
  • Zay Cheeze! Iconographers Wanted
  • Events and Activities

It's only two weeks until Nullus Anxietas 9 - The Australian Discworld Convention. Are you ready? We are.... Almost!

The festivities kick off on Friday, 12th July at 12pm - but you can hit up registration at the Troll Bridge to get your badge and convention bag (full of lots of goodies) from 11am.

There will be one more newsletter in the week prior to the convention - so if you've got any questions …

The Uberwald Itinerary

In exactly one month's time, the convention will be under way! We have a packed programme, and now you can find out everything you'll be able to see and do.


  • The Uberwald Itinerary
  • Fast Fashion at the Uberwald Maskerade ExtravOrganza
  • MMBU
  • Research Remedies with Igor's Almanack
  • Be fast so you don't miss out!

The Uberwald Itinerary

Want to see all the wonderful events and activities that you'll be able to see and do at Nullus Anxietas 9 - The Australian Discworld Convention? Well, wait no further! The full1 list is now up on our website!

Have …

Grab a bite with Lady Margolotta

Grab a bite with Lady Margolotta

With just under six weeks to go, we're all aboard the Uberwald Express! This and the next few newsletters are likely to be bumper issues - so if you want to be prepared, please read them all the way through! We also recommend joining the Facebook Discussion Group to ask questions and chat with your fellow fans.


  • More Guests!
  • Gala Dinner ticket sales close June 9th
  • In the Castle and Down the Mine
  • Code of Conduct
  • Need to upgrade? Here's what's changed.
  • Volunteers needed!
  • Important dates to remember

More Guests!

Finalizing …