Well, it's all over now! Thank you so much for joining us at Nullus Anxietas 9 - The Australian Discworld Convention.
We hope you had a great time - we certainly did!
We'd like to thank our guests, all our attendees, our hard-working committee, and, of course, Sir Terry Pratchett.
If you have any feedback - what was good, what was bad, what was ugly - then please email us on contact@ausdwcon.org so we can make sure that the convention is even better next time around!
Speaking of...
Step through the portal to the fantasy realm of Sydney and the year 2026 for the tenth Australian Discworld Convention:
Nullus Anxietas X - A celebration of the Witches.
Each have their own story and like all good stories... there's a twist!
Want to be involved but not sure how? Become a witch in training. Learn to be as nosey as Nanny, as confident as Perdita X and to just do the job in front of you, just like Tiffany.
Visit our website shop to purchase a supporting membership and we hope to see you at the X-citing, X-ceptional and what promises to be an X-traordinary con like no other.
More information about the 2026 convention will be revealed in this newsletter in the future - so stay subscribed!
If you've enjoyed the Australian Discworld Convention and can't wait until the next one, then join your local fan club for regular meet-ups, discussions and other fun social activities.
Find out more details about all of them on our website or search Facebook to find the corresponding group.
SA: City of Small Gods holds monthly dinners at local pubs/restaurants, a monthly online crafty evening, and regular Pratchett book discussions with fun activities, with other occasional events like the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Quiz Night Quiz Long and Prosper.
Vic: Victorian Discworld Klatch runs occasional social events including picnics, dinners, crafternoons, and more. They also have stalls at pop-culture related events around Victoria.
NSW: The Mended Drummers hold monthly dinners (usually with a quiz) in the Sydney CBD, and The Western Drummers hold monthly dinners in Penrith. Join either or both!
Qld: Pratchett Partisans hold social events every few months, including dinners, picnics, and attending Discworld plays produced by Brisbane Arts Theatre.
In addition to the above, you can find Facebook groups for WA: Treacle Mining Corporation, ACT: Drumknott's Irregulars, Tas: Purdeigh Islanders, although these groups have not seen much activity recently. If you live in these areas, consider joining and kicking the groups into gear!
Discworld theatre is alive and well in 2024!
Playing right now in Emerald, Victoria is Night Watch. Gemco Players present this time travelling tale of Samuel Vimes at The Gem Community Arts Centre, until July 28th. Book your tickets here
Fancy yourself an Opera Star? Sporadic Productions - who performed the radio play "Uberwald: A History" at the convention - will be putting on a production of Terry Pratchett's Maskerade in October and November 2024 at the Holden Street Theatres in Hindmarsh, Adelaide, SA. Auditions will be held on July 28th. If you'd like to be part of this upcoming play, please come along to the auditions and try out for a part! You can find more information and apply by filling in this form.
If you'd prefer to be a Watch officer, Roleystone Theatre will be performing Guards! Guards! in November in Roleystone, Perth, WA. Auditions will be held on July 20th and 21st and you can find out information on their Facebook page.
And that's all from us for now! Thank you once again for making our first in-person convention in five years an amazing success. We hope that you continue to have fun with your local fan club, and by attending Discworld plays in your home city (or even make the effort to travel to see one!) and we look forward to seeing everyone again in Sydney in 2026 for Nullus Anxietas X!