When shall we... two hundred meet again?

It's now been a month since Nullus Anxietas 9. We hope that everyone that attended has had a chance to recover, relax and get back to "real life" which is a lot less fun than Discworld. And if you didn't get a chance to attend this year, we're sorry you missed out on an amazing experience - make sure it doesn't happen again!

So when shall we two hundred meet again?

Unfortunately, we can't do next Wednesday, but we can do Nullus Anxietas X in 2026.

Nullus Anxietas X - 2026

Step through the portal to the fantasy realm of Sydney and the year 2026 for the tenth Australian Discworld Convention:

Nullus Anxietas X - A celebration of the Witches.

Each have their own story and like all good stories... there's a twist!

Want to be involved but not sure how? Become a witch in training. Learn to be as nosey as Nanny, as confident as Perdita X and to just do the job in front of you, just like Tiffany.

Visit our website shop to purchase a supporting membership and we hope to see you at the X-citing, X-ceptional and what promises to be an X-traordinary con like no other.

Nullus Anxietas X 2026

More information about the 2026 convention will be revealed in this newsletter in the future - so stay subscribed!

Check out all the photos from Nullus Anxietas 9

... and all the past conventions too!

You can see galleries - and some video - from 2024 and more on our website here.

If you've got photos of your own from this year's convention, and you're happy for us to use them for promotion for future conventions (with permission, of course!) please consider uploading them to our Flickr group - this is where we are able to share the photos to the wider public. Many of the official "Press Corpse" photos are added here.

Click here to see a video of the Uberwald Maskerade ExtravOrganza, taken by our special guest Karen J Carlisle.

Contestants from the Maskerade Swish and Twirl

Charity Auction results

At the convention, everyone was very generous with their bidding in the Charity Auction, and we hope those that managed to win a lot went home happy with their prize.

In total, we raised $8,152 which will be shared between our two charities, Bat Rescue SA and Writers SA.

Bat Rescue SAWriters SA

Incident Report

Unfortunately, there were reports of antisocial behaviour at the 2024 Australian Discworld Convention received by the committee. We have undertaken a follow-up investigation, communicated with the people involved, and as a result, the committee has enacted a ban on attendance on one person for the 2026 convention. This is a decision taken in line with our code of conduct.

The Australian Discworld Convention remains committed to providing a safe space for all attendees. Out of respect for privacy, this matter will remain confidential, however if you have any concerns please contact chair@ausdwcon.org.


After a more than unacceptable delay, we have finally received the scarves that you may have preordered in the lead up to the convention. Everyone who ordered a scarf has been contacted and we have posted them out to those outside of Adelaide. If you're in Adelaide and ordered a scarf, please make sure to check your email and get in contact with us to arrange collection.

Marion modelling a Nullus Anxietas 9 Scarf

The whole thing has been a bit of a debacle. We placed the order for the scarves on 20th May, with an assurance that they would be delivered in early July. In late June, we confirmed a delivery date of July 5, but when we enquired on that day, they had still not been shipped. After our final deadline - two days before the convention - was missed, the company promised to ship them on July 11 (to hopefully arrive in time... Glom of Nit willing) and yet there was no delivery at all within the next 7 days. We finally managed to get an answer out of them on July 24 - at which point they admitted that the scarves had been mislaid and the earlier promises were a "misrepresentation".  Unfortunately the company was unwilling to give us any money back from the delay, so we have had to cover shipping and the scarves finally arrived 4 weeks late, but we're so happy they've made it into people's hands (or on their necks to cover the puncture wounds)

It's left a bad taste in our mouths, so we do not recommend that anyone deal with the Australian Beanie Co. (or associated companies Australian Bottle Co, Ministry of Merch, Australian Trends Co, Big Lion AI or Axis Clothing) for any of their merchandise needs.

On a more positive note...

The Fun Continues With Your Local Fan Club

If you've enjoyed the Australian Discworld Convention and can't wait until the next one, then join your local fan club for regular meet-ups, discussions and other fun social activities.

Find out more details about all of them on our website or search Facebook to find the corresponding group.

SA: City of Small Gods holds monthly dinners at local pubs/restaurants, a monthly online crafty evening, and regular Pratchett book discussions with fun activities, with other occasional events like the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Quiz Night Quiz Long and Prosper.

Vic: Victorian Discworld Klatch runs occasional social events including picnics, dinners, crafternoons, and more. They also have stalls at pop-culture related events around Victoria.

NSW: The Mended Drummers hold monthly dinners (usually with a quiz) in the Sydney CBD, and The Western Drummers hold monthly dinners in Penrith. Join either or both!

Qld: Pratchett Partisans hold social events every few months, including dinners, picnics, and attending Discworld plays produced by Brisbane Arts Theatre.

In addition to the above, you can find Facebook groups for WA: Treacle Mining Corporation, ACT: Drumknott's Irregulars, Tas: Purdeigh Islanders, although these groups have not seen much activity recently. If you live in these areas, consider joining and kicking the groups into gear!

That's all folks... for now

We'll likely be going quiet here for some time, as it will take many months for the Nullus Anxietas X committee to recruit new members, and work on more of the small organisational things in the background. But be assured, that they will be working hard even this far in advance!

There will be a newsletter when there's Discworld theatre news to let you know about - like the recent productions of Night Watch in Emerald, Victoria and The Amazing Maurice in Huonville, Tasmania (which unfortunately we didn't know about until after the last newsletter came out). Coming up in October will be Maskerade in Adelaide, Guards! Guards! in Perth and The Fifth Elephant in Brisbane, so there's something for you no matter where you are.

But for now, we'll say adieu and we'll see you at the next coven meeting. And this time, can you please bring something other than potato salad?