
Read all about the latest in Australian Discworld News!

Can You Lend Us a Hand?

Two Igors with a Spare Hand (from the 2007 Australian Discworld Convention)

It's been a little over a month since the Virtual Discworld Fun Day and the announcement of the next Australian Discworld Convention, Nullus Anxietas 9 in 2024.

If you missed the announcement, you can watch our "thpooky" video here. and buy your Supporting Membership in our shop.

Don'tgonearthe Castle in Uberwald

The committee (and their subcontractors, We R Igors) are working very hard behind the scenes to sort out more details, such as finding a location and more precise date for the convention. However, putting together a convention takes a lot of volunteer time and effort... and we will …

Announcing Nullus Anxietas 9 - The Australian Discworld Convention in 2024

In case you missed it during the Virtual Discworld Fun Day yesterday, we announced the next Australian Discworld Convention with thith thpoooooky video:

Watch on Youtube

The key details are as follows:

Come ALIVE in Überwald!

Nullus Anxietas 9

The Australian Discworld Convention

Adelaide - 2024

And that's about it for the moment - we are still working on finding a venue and exact dates, but for now, if you would like to support us and hold your place to attend the convention, you can purchase a supporting membership now.