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11 months ago
Some advice for your first Discworld Convention
Over on the Nullus Anxietas Facebook Group, we posed this question: "What is the one piece of information or advice you would have wished to know before attending your first Australian Discworld Convention?"
Our community responded with some great advice:
There is a packed programme:
- "Accept that you won't get to see every event that you would like - but have a good look at the program and join in to your comfort level."
- "You will try to see ALL THE THINGS! You will not succeed - but you will have fun trying."
- "Participate as much or as little as you want. Yes it's fun to join in, but people watching is also fun. One of my memories of Nullus Anxietas III was watching Sir Terry talking to someone, surrounded but 30 other people watching him talk to that lucky person, being watch by myself and another new friend having quiet time in the foyer."
- "Stay back after it's all finished for the day, and play Werewolf [the social deduction game] with everyone."
- There will be so many things on the programme that you won't be able to get to them all, but hopefully there's something you'll enjoy at all points in time.
- Also, if you've got a great idea for something you'd like to see or run yourself, please volunteer.
Stay at the venue if you can:
- "Stay at the venue! So much of the fun stuff and meeting people happens in the in-between times. Also easier to dress up if you don't have to travel on the day."
- "Stay at the venue! I commuted for the first one, and it's a much better experience when you're there with everyone, and have a home base to dump things."
- "[Staying at the venue is] so much better in multiple ways. Including if you need a quiet place to rest during the day, or if you want to stay up late socialising and then go straight to bed."
- See the venue page to find out more and to book your room.
And some other general advice:
- "Layers. Bring extra layers to wear under your cosplay. Sometimes it's cold."
- "Eat, shower, rest" Otherwise known as the 5-2-1 rule.
- "You might catch the con lurgy [(that is: get sick from exhaustion)] either on the day after it ends or the day after that. Prepare cold and flu tablets and up your vitamin intake beforehand. Book in a rest day after."
- "Discworld conventions have the best people - you'll never feel like you're there by yourself."
And lastly:
- "Be open to meeting new friends even if you normally find this hard to do. You will find friends for life."
Find more advice in our Newcomer's ABC and Frequently Asked Questions.
Still need to get your ticket? You can buy your Attending or Supporting Memberships at our website's shop.
Test your knowledge and support the convention at the same time!
Quiz Long And Prosper: The Nightmare Before Quiz-mas is on Saturday October 28 at the Clarence Gardens Bowling Club, South Australia, and will act as a fundraiser for the Australian Discworld Convention. We'll cover all your pop-culture, science fiction, fantasy and genre fiction bases, with lots of prizes to win!
Find out more and book your table here.
The New Day is a Great Big Fish!
On now in Brisbane is Monstrous Regiment, performed by Brisbane Arts Theatre, Brisbane, Queensland. The show runs until November 25, but don't wait to book your tickets!
The members of Pratchett Partisans go along to all of their shows and highly recommend them!
In other theatre news, the recent run of Wyrd Sisters in Ballarat went wonderfully well, with great reports from various members of the Victorian Discworld Klatch.
Ballarat National Theatre even gave away a model Discworld to one of the ticket holders (who just happens to be a long-time Australian Discworld Convention attendee!)
There was also a performance of Men At Arms in Townsville in September, by Townsville Little Theatre that we didn't hear about until it was too late. You can see some photos of their very 1920's inspired costumes on their Facebook Page.
Links for Nullus Anxietas 9
Nullus Anxietas 9 - The Australian Discworld Convention - will be on from 12-14 July, 2024 at the Grand Chancellor Hotel, Adelaide.