One Turtle, One Vote

Vote for your favourite name

We got over 40 entries to the Name Our Mascot competition, and the committee has shortened the list down to three. Now it’s your turn to choose your favourite!

Nullus Anxietas 9 Turtle Mascot

Go here to vote – you’ve got until July 7th, and we’ll announce the winner in the next newsletter.

Chatting with Pratchat

Pratchat Podcast logo

Ben McKenzie from the Pratchat Podcast invited Australian Discworld Convention Vice Chair Danny Sag on for a special bonus episode released in early June.

We talked about what the convention is, how it’s run behind the scenes, and the sorts of things you can expect to participate in when you’re there.

Listen here or subscribe to Pratchat on your favourite Podcast app.

(And you will likely be able to meet Ben and his co-host Elizabeth Flux next year – fingers crossed!)

“It’s been ages since I heard a theatre played properly…”

As we mentioned last newsletter, there’s quite a few Discworld plays coming up in the next few months, all over Australia.

  • June 30 – July 8: The Truth, performed by Roleystone Theatre, Thornlie, WA.
  • July 7 – 22: The Truth, performed by Gemco Players, Emerald, Vic.
  • July 28 – August 5: Feet of Clay, performed by Red Cliffs Players, Cardross, Vic.
  • September 22 - October 1: Wyrd Sisters, performed by Ballarat National Theatre Inc, Ballarat, Vic.
  • October 14 – November 25: Monstrous Regiment, performed by Brisbane Arts Theatre, Brisbane, Qld.

So if these are nearby to you, please go along and see them! Know of any others? Get in contact with us and we’ll pass the word on!

And don't forget about Nullus Anxietas 9...

The Australian Discworld Convention is back! Join us for a fun weekend in deepest darkest Uberwald! It will be on from 12-14 July, 2024 - Grand Chancellor Hotel, Adelaide