One Year To Go

One Year To Go

Gosh, is it that time already? By this time next year, we should all be settling in to the hotel, meeting old friends, making new ones, and starting to have one of the most fun weekends you have whilst still alive (or even undead). Nullus Anxietas 9 starts on 12 July 2024, at around midday.

Make a PLN

With twelve months remaining, now is the time to start thinking about all those things you need to do:

  • What costume will you wear? Is it time to start making it yet? (yes, yes it is)
  • Who are you going to bring with you? Your partner, your children, your friends, your own personal Igor...
  • Where will you (and all of these other people) stay?

We can certainly help you with that last question! Our convention venue, the Grand Chancellor Hotel, is offering discounted room rates to convention attendees. Visit the venue page on our website to check out more about the hotel and book your room.

Grand Chancellor Hindley Room

If the hotel isn't to your fancy, there are plenty of other accommodation options within a short walking distance - from the cheap to the sublimely expensive, whatever suits your budget and tastes.

Join the Uberwald League of Temperance!

And after all these reminders, here's another: Have you got your membership yet? Believe it or not, there's only 7 months left on our early-bird sale - so you can save money by purchasing your membership now.

Even if you aren't sure yet about attending, you can give a gift to your future self (and help out the committee in the process) by purchasing a Supporting Membership, as this will lock you in to the early-bird price for later upgrading.

Click here for more info on the different types of membership and visit our shop to buy a supporting or attending membership.

Say hello to...

Well, you suggested names, and voted on the finalists, and so we're now proud to introduce:

Rina - the Nullus Anxietas 9 Mascot


Pronounced more like "Reena" than "Rhino". Short for "Igorina". Very Überwaldian, as in "very awkward to get right".

This name (and the above description) was suggested by Svetlana - and she has won herself not only adulation and honour but a special mystery prize pack. When you see her at the convention, let her know how clever she is for suggesting our mascot's new name!

Voting was very very close - Rina only had one more vote than Recks'i - and Micis was a close third place. Thanks to everyone who voted, and now you see why your vote counts!

Lend us a helping hand

The Australian Discworld Convention is entirely run by volunteers - and we need your help for all the things that need to be done. If you can help us out in any way, please fill in the volunteer form - it's most appreciated.

For the Reg Shoes among you...

If you're a person who likes to organise things, right now, we are still looking to fill a few committee positions:

  • Charity Auction coordinator
  • Technical & Audio/Visual Coordinator
  • Sponsorship Officer
  • Dealers Officer

If any of these sound like the job for you, please volunteer - full job descriptions are available above the linked form.

We need an Art transplant, and snappy iconographers

Otto Chriek

We also are happy to hear from any talented visual artists out there, no matter what medium you use; we'd love to feature your art on our website, in our convention book, and on merchandise. If you'd like to draw, paint, or otherwise create some Discworld fan art, please let us know.

Do you, like Otto Chriek, have a passion for taking iconographs, or even shooting your own moving pictures? We'll need your skills at the convention as part of the Press Corpse. Please get in touch.

Good at (Witch)craft, or want to talk everyone's ear off?

We're also looking for people to run activities on the convention programme - panel discussions, craft workshops, fun and games... whatever you can think of!

If you've got a good idea of something you'd like to run, please let us know (even if it's just in the idea stage right now). Alternatively, we have started coming up with our own ideas but may need volunteers to run them - so if you might be willing to take our idea and develop it into a fully fledged activity, please get in touch.

A Wizard Crafting some Chain maille jewelery

General Purpose Igors

And of course, we can always use more helping hands at the convention itself, from running the lights and sound, doing a shift at Ops, keeping the queues in line, to just going to fetch a coffee for that poor exhausted committee member. If you're happy to be a general purpose Igor (or 'gopher' in convention parlance), then please also volunteer.

Remember without your assistance, the convention won't run. (Now say that sentence again with an Igor-style lisp. Then wipe your mouth).

“It’s been ages since I heard a theatre played properly…”

As we mentioned last newsletter, there’s quite a few Discworld plays coming up in the next few months, all over Australia.

  • July 7 – 22: The Truth, performed by Gemco Players, Emerald, Vic.
  • July 28 – August 5: Feet of Clay, performed by Red Cliffs Players, Cardross, Vic.
  • September 22 - October 1: Wyrd Sisters, performed by Ballarat National Theatre Inc, Ballarat, Vic.
  • October 14 – November 25: Monstrous Regiment, performed by Brisbane Arts Theatre, Brisbane, Qld.

So if these are nearby to you, please go along and see them! Know of any others? Get in contact with us and we’ll pass the word on!

More info about Nullus Anxietas 9

Nullus Anxietas 9 - The Australian Discworld Convention - will be on from 12-14 July, 2024 at the Grand Chancellor Hotel, Adelaide.