The Uberwald Itinerary

In exactly one month's time, the convention will be under way! We have a packed programme, and now you can find out everything you'll be able to see and do.


  • The Uberwald Itinerary
  • Fast Fashion at the Uberwald Maskerade ExtravOrganza
  • MMBU
  • Research Remedies with Igor's Almanack
  • Be fast so you don't miss out!

The Uberwald Itinerary

Want to see all the wonderful events and activities that you'll be able to see and do at Nullus Anxietas 9 - The Australian Discworld Convention? Well, wait no further! The full1 list is now up on our website!

Have a read and make note of anything that catches your eye, and try to make it along to them when you get to the convention. You'll note that there's some events - like craft workshops, Klatches, the Murder Mystery, and the Escape Room - that will have limited places and require signups in advance. These will all be done at Ops at the convention itself - you can't sign up in advance (Sorry!)

The timetable (i.e. what is when and where) is still being tweaked and we won't be putting that up until July, but you should still be able to get a good idea of how much we're trying to squeeze into two and a half days.

Remember these times:

  • Registration opens around 11am on Friday 12th July
  • Activities begin at noon on Friday 12th July, and run until midnight.
  • Saturday activities run from around 9am (or even earlier if you want to go to Parkrun!) and run until midnight.
  • If you missed out on tickets to the Gala Dinner, there will be other activities happening on Saturday evening: Murder on the Uberwald Express and A Night at the Clickies.
  • Sunday activities run from around 9am, with the Closing Ceremony wrapping up around 6pm.

1There may be a few tweaks (additions and deletions) in the next few weeks as we finalise the timetable, but it's pretty much complete!

Fast Fashion at the Uberwald Maskerade ExtravOrganza

There's still time to enter the Maskerade - our talent, costume and prop competitions. It doesn't matter if this is your first time or if you're a master costumer/crafter/performer, we'd love for you to show off your creativity and entertain the crowds!

Find out more about the Maskerade and enter on our website.

Maskerade costumes from 2019


When you embark up the mountains to Uberwald (or up the stairs from the Foyer of the Grand Chancellor Hotel to the Mezzanine level) you'll need to know where to go!

Here is our Mappe of Uberwald which shows you the names we'll be using for our function rooms: The Castle, The Mine, The Town, The Market Square, The Embassy, The Troll Bridge, The Kennels and The Lab.

Map of the Nullus Anxietas 9 Function Rooms

You can also see this map on our website - and don't worry, there'll be a printed copy on the back of your convention book, as well as some posted up around the venue itself.

Research Remedies with Igor's Almanack

Igor's Almanack

At Nullus Anxietas 9 we want you to have a wonderful time doing all of the activities and events that we've planned just for you! Completing your Igor's Almanack and becoming an Honorary Igor will help you do all the things and meet some new friends at the convention.

You will find your Almanack in your convention bag. Treat the Almanack like a 3-day scavenger hunt! These tasks will have you participating in a wide range of activities and meeting lots of new people - it is a great way to get the most out of the convention.

More information about how the Almanack works can be found in your convention book when you arrive at Nullus Anxietas 9.

Be fast so you don't miss out!

The Gala Dinner is booked; scarves are sold out, and only a handful of t-shirts are still available... If you don't want to miss out on anything else, be sure to pay attention to these deadlines - and always remember, buying early will guarantee you what you want, and it helps us out with our planning as well!

Online merchandise sales end July 1st

As mentioned above, we have already run out of scarves - all have been pre-ordered. We have also made our order for t-shirts, enamel pins and coffee mugs, and thus there's only a few remaining in our website's shop. So if you want any merchandise and haven't ordered already, now is the time to grab one! If we sell out of any items on the website (like the scarves), they will NOT be available to buy at the convention.

Attending membership sales end July 1st

If you're still intending to come to the convention, you need to get your ticket before 1st July - no exceptions, sorry! We're getting close to 200 attendees, and it'd be lovely to cross that boundary. Please don't leave this to the last minute! Get yours here.

Supporting membership upgrades to attending end July 1st

If you've already got a supporting membership, you can still upgrade to attend - but this must be done before July 1st! Don't delay!

Everything you need to know

Here are some quick reminder links about where to find out information about the convention: