Batty about Writing for Charity

Batty about Writing for Charity


  • Charity Auction
  • Upgrade your Supporting Membership by May 31st
  • Accessibility and the Blue Dot system
  • Volunteers needed!
  • Recommend your favourite authors
  • Important due dates to remember

Charity Auction

Our Charity Auction event is a fundraising activity for causes close to our hearts. We're very proud of the difference we have made to past recipients and with the generosity of our convention attendees, we know we will again.

This year, our charities are:

Bat Rescue SA: An organisation dedicated to safeguarding and rehabilitating South Australia's bat populations. They also partake in educating the public on the crucial role bats play in the environment.

Writers SA: SA's peak organisation for writing and literature, putting South Australian writers at the forefront of national literary culture. They support writers through an array of literary programs, festivals, services, and events.

Bat Rescue SAWriters SA

Find out more about the charity auction and our charities on our website.

Please also note that we have lots of items that you can bid on, and thus we are no longer accepting any further donations. Thank you to everyone who's donated so far - our auction team should have already been in contact with you to confirm.

Upgrade your Supporting Membership by May 31st

For those of you who purchased a Supporting Membership, now is the time to upgrade! We can only guarantee your place - and your early bird discount (if applicable) - if you complete your upgrade before May 31st. Don't be a stupid sucker and leave it too late!


Accessibility and the Blue Dot System

If you're someone who might have needs regarding mobility, or you need to be close-by to the presenters for visual or hearing reasons, or need to be close to an exit - We can help with that, and it all starts with a blue dot.

The Blue Dot system exists to provide accessibility for all to attend the Nullus Anxietas 9 Discworld Convention. The Blue Dot is an opt-in system which allows you to identify your needs to the convention volunteers. At Registration you can have your Convention Pass customised with a blue dot sticker so that you can show it off to anyone running an event. Accessible areas will be marked with similarly blue signage.

You can read more about the system via the accessibility page on our website, or feel free to contact the membership team on if you want us to know anything in advance. At the convention, let the Registration or Ops team know and we'll make sure you get the help you need.

Volunteers needed!

All Discworld Conventions are completely run by volunteers - and we need your help to make the convention the best it can be.


Right now, we are looking for the following specific volunteers:

  • Activity Organisers: We have a handful of pre-organised activities that just need a coordinator. We can let you know the details we have, and you can develop the idea further if you like!
  • Photographers and Videographers: If you like taking pictures, or can run a video camera to record our events, we want you to join the Press Corpse!
  • The Watch: We need several people to be our 'security' force - mostly just making sure queues are orderly, making sure everyone's wearing their membership badge, and keeping an eye out for incidents.
  • Gophers: If you're just happy to be an able body to 'go for' a coffee, or to spend an hour helping out in Ops, we still need general volunteers.
  • Tech and A/V: If you know how to fiddle with the levels on a sound board or change a microphone battery, please volunteer to help out managing the sound & lighting desk in our function rooms.

All volunteers need to complete the volunteer form and we'll be sure to get back to you with more information.

Recommend your favourite authors

Terry Pratchett fans are obviously big readers - so we want to know what other authors you'd recommend to a fellow Pratchett fan. Please fill in this survey to help us prepare for the 'Author Speed Dating' event at the convention where our panellists - and you - can recommend authors and their books to the audience in under two minutes.

Important due dates to remember

Everything you need to know

Here are some quick reminder links about where to find out information about the convention: