Grab a bite with Lady Margolotta

Grab a bite with Lady Margolotta

With just under six weeks to go, we're all aboard the Uberwald Express! This and the next few newsletters are likely to be bumper issues - so if you want to be prepared, please read them all the way through! We also recommend joining the Facebook Discussion Group to ask questions and chat with your fellow fans.


  • More Guests!
  • Gala Dinner ticket sales close June 9th
  • In the Castle and Down the Mine
  • Code of Conduct
  • Need to upgrade? Here's what's changed.
  • Volunteers needed!
  • Important dates to remember

More Guests!

Finalizing our guest line up are the following wonderful people:

Steamkittens - Leigh HylandSteamkittens has spent a decade redefining Australian cosplay photography with his extraordinary talent. He has travelled across the country, attending conventions one by one, and gradually built a reputation for his approach to coloured lights that revolutionised the cosplay scene. Read more on our website.

Bethany Windsor of The Ineffable Con, dressed as Madame TracyRachael Windsor of The Ineffable Con, dressed as WarThe Ineffable Con co-chairs Bethany and Rachael run conventions, online parties and re-watches for fans of Good Omens by Sir Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Since 2019, they have raised over £40,000 for Alzheimer's Research UK. Read more on our website.

Gala Dinner ticket sales close June 9th

Lady Margolotta. Artwork by Brydie WatersIf you'd like to grab a bite with a vampire, join Lady Margolotta for her Diplomatic Ball Gala Dinner on the Saturday evening of the convention. For just $85, you'll be treated to a fine meal, entertainment, and a keepsake to take home. Ticket sales for the Gala Dinner MUST close June 9th. Book now to avoid missing out.

In the Castle and Down the Mine

The convention function rooms will be themed after Uberwald, and so over the weekend you may find yourself visiting The Castle, The Mine, The Lab, The Kennels, and The Embassy.

And what will you be doing there? Some of the activities planned include:

  • The Uberwald Maskerade ExtravOrganza - a costume and talent competition which you can enter!
  • Interviews and Klatches (small group chats) with our special guests.
  • The Legendary Quiz: Find a team and test your Pratchett and Discworld knowledge! Glory awaits! (Bragging rights only)
  • Craft workshops including Cross Stitch, Crochet, Chain Maille, and making dragon eggs, monsters, and the Death of Rats.
  • The Charity Auction: Bid on desirable collectibles and unique creations to raise money for our chosen charities - Bat Rescue SA and Writers SA.
  • A live recording of the Pratchat Podcast.
  • Überwald: A History: Enjoy a rollicking adventure through the history of Uberwald presented as a radio play by Sporadic Productions.
  • And much MUCH more.

We're still in the process of finalising all the activities, and descriptions will be put up on our website in the next few weeks. The timetable itself is a work of sourcery and thus keeps changing all the time, so we won't be able to reveal that to you until early July.

Code of Conduct

When you purchased an Attending or Supporting membership, you agreed to the membership terms and conditions. We've also now published an easier-to-read code of conduct for Nullus Anxietas 9, to make sure that we make our convention safe and enjoyable for everyone there - attendees, guests, hotel staff and us, your committee. Please make sure to read the code of conduct ahead of the convention, and plan accordingly. Plus, it's got funny quotes in it.

Need to upgrade? Here's what's changed

We have just passed the 31st May deadline for upgrading from supporting to attending membership - so what happens now if you missed it?

For those of you on supporting memberships who still wish to attend - this is still possible - however, you are no longer eligible for the early-bird discount. Click here to upgrade your supporting membership to attending - and please note that all ticket sales (upgrades included) end on 1st July 2024.

Need help? Please get in contact via our website or email

Volunteers needed!

All Discworld Conventions are completely run by volunteers - and we need your help to make the convention the best it can be.


Right now, we are looking for the following specific volunteers:

  • Photographers and Videographers: If you like taking pictures, or can run a video camera to record our events, we want you to join the Press Corpse!
  • The Watch: We need several people to be our 'security' force - mostly just making sure queues are orderly, making sure everyone's wearing their membership badge, and keeping an eye out for incidents.
  • Gophers: If you're just happy to be an able body to 'go for' a coffee, or to spend an hour helping out in Ops, we still need general volunteers.
  • Tech and A/V: If you know how to fiddle with the levels on a sound board or change a microphone battery, please volunteer to help out managing the sound & lighting desk in our function rooms.

All volunteers need to complete the volunteer form and we'll be sure to get back to you with more information.

Important dates to remember

  • June 9th: Gala Dinner ticket sales end.
  • July 1st: Attending membership and upgrade online sales end.
  • July 9th: Online entries for the Maskerade
  • July 12th: Nullus Anxietas 9 begins! Registration opens at 11am, with activities beginning at noon, and running until midnight.
  • July 13th: Activities run from 9am until midnight.
  • July 14th: Activities run from 9am until 6pm. And then the convention is over!

Everything you need to know

Here are some quick reminder links about where to find out information about the convention: